
Parker in the Desert

It was an absolute dream come true getting so many of our talent in one space to celebrate Parker In The Desert! We have been planning a retreat in our minds for what seems like forever, but we knew this year we were going to make it happen. And bringing all of these incredible, talented […]


How To Narrow Down Your Branding And Stick To It

When it comes to branding, we’ve already explained why it’s important to have it. But now we want to go into more detail about narrowing it down and sticking to it! We don’t know about you, but one major place we find inspiration when it comes to branding, is Pinterest. And it’s both a blessing […]


Finding Your TikTok Niche

We’ve heard it (and said it) time and time again when it comes to blogging and Instagram, “find your niche.” And it’s no different when it comes to your Tik Tok strategy. Finding your Tik Tok niche can help you grow immensely on the platform, but the question is, “how can it help me grow […]


Using Instagram Stories To Connect With Your Audience

Since it’s launch in 2017, Instagram Stories has quickly become a preferred method of connection for many between influencers and their followers. Instagram stories and the way many influencers use the feature, allows users to get a more realistic view of their favorite people to follow. It can give a behind the scenes glimpse at […]


Breaking Down Instagram’s Newest Features

Instagram is ever changing as we all know, and it’s ok to freak out a little bit when they roll out new changes! But a lot of times new features can be helpful for growth and can keep you creative. We are breaking down all the newest Instagram features below! New poll stickers I’m sure […]


5 Things You Should Do as an Influencer This Year

We are officially a quarter into 2022! We really hope that excites you as you look back on all that you’ve accomplished so far and realize that you still have 9 months to do amazing things. No matter how you’re feeling, we thought it would be fun to help you along with a list of […]


What is a branding guide and why do you need one?

Just like anything in your brand, your messaging and look should all be consistent…and a branding guide is just the thing to keep you focused on what you want your brand to communicate! A branding guide is a document that houses anything and everything that is made up of your brand. This can range from […]


Our Social Media Tips + Tricks

As managers, we learn so much from our talent! Being on the backend of their campaigns and partnerships means we get a first hand look at all of the behind the scenes. We see what works for growth, what can be worked on and what is losing momentum, and then we can take that information […]


Why Influencers Are Tapping Into Multiple Platforms

Getting creative and diverse is the *newest* trend from 2020 on – video is key for growth and beating that pesky algorithm. In recent years, we have seen a huge flux of growth in TikTok, YouTube and others that support more captivating video content and we are hooked!  The days of one platform focus are […]


When it’s ok to say “no” and why this is important to figure out

You’ve heard it before. “It’s ok to say no!” But how do we know when to say no and what impact it will have on our lives or business? I want to share with you the top 3 reasons why you should stop saying yes to everything that comes your way and why this is […]


What is a lifestyle influencer and why the heck we love them…

They’re your style bff, your design guru, your motivational speaker and the best advice giver – all through the screen of your phone – that’s a Lifestyle Influencer!  The spectrum of Influencer reach has expanded to more than sharing their Target hauls, they are now someone you welcome into your life on a daily basis […]


@arrowsandbow x Joie Inn x Magnolia Network

Ashley and Joie Inn were in their own episode of Magnolia network’s (re)motel! Watch it here!


Parker Expands Team

Here at Parker, in order for us to live our mission, we needed to expand our team! Our team is the core of everything we do and the reason we get to support our incredible talent! Please join us as we welcome our leaders and manager! Chief Operations Officer, Sheila Gray We have been working […]


@smashingdiy NY Times Web Feature

Ashley Basnight – @smashingdiy – was featured in an article on the New York Times website, highlighting influencers doing DIY on a budget! A New Generation of Influencers Has Discovered D.I.Y. on a Tiny Budget “For the more ambitious DIY crowd with a larger budget, there’s Smashing DIY, an Instagram account that Ashley Basnight started […]


@pennies_for_a_fortune x HGTV

Click here to see Fariha’s Houston home tour on!



‘Influence for Good’ – it’s our motto at Parker, and as we live by that for our talent, but we believe it starts with our team. We have a continuous conversation on how we can be a voice, how we can inspire and educate. With these conversations, we always come back to the fact that […]


The Future of Partnerships: Co-Branded Collaborations

Co-Branded Collaborations are on the rise as more and more companies are seeing the immense value of Influencer Marketing. Both talent and brands benefit from these product partnerships, and it is also a great way for you to flex your creative mind! If you have ever wanted to start your own brand, but don’t have […]


Setting Purposeful Goals

Let’s start with why goals, in general, are important. When we have something we are striving to obtain or reach it gives us purpose! It tells us that what we are doing is FOR something. An example of a goal; to work with a dream brand in a lucrative partnership. Working towards that goal will […]


How To Utilize Pinterest

Pinterest may seem daunting, however it’s one of the best ways to search, find inspiration and connect with others on a platform that is unlike any other. We are sharing our best tips for tapping into Pinterest and using it like a pro!   Pinterest is ultimately a search engine. From recipes to DIY’s…from parenting […]


Five Things Every Influencer Should Do To Take Their Brand To The Next Level

Sheila Gray of Thrive Consulting is not shy to hard work, goal setting and brand building! Here she shares valuable insight and showcases her 5 main tips for any Influencer who wants to take their brand to the next level: A deep rooted “why” and “vision” for your business. Ask yourself why you are doing this. […]

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Ways to Grow on Social Media

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Grab our five very BEST tips to help you grow your following the right way!


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