The Importance of Building An Email List


June 23, 2021

Have you ever thought about how you may try and sign on one day to @instagram and your account may be restricted or *gasp* deleted? It’s happened! And all your hard work could be gone in an instant. Frightening!

The truth is, you don’t own your Instagram following. And for someone like an influencer, it can be scary to think that you really don’t have control over whether or not your account stays in good standing with Instagram, especially since the platform has become a little more finicky about what they deem appropriate.

It is so important to be able to direct your followers and connect with them off of a social media platform on something more concrete that is yours, such as a website or a blog.

Your site, web address or blog is something you own – so there is not likely a chance of that being taken away. So utilize it! This is a place your following knows that you will show up and share and connect. Digital platforms come and go, but your site is here to stay. Investing in a place to showcase your brand and personality is key!

To connect on an even deeper level, build an email list. Your following wants to connect with you and know what’s happening in your life, that’s why they follow you. By having an email newsletter, this allows you to connect with them on a more personal level, as well as ensure you can always reach them and share the latest and greatest life happenings. #parkertips

You have the space to write from the heart about experiences or life events that you may not share on digital platforms. Odds are if a follower has subscribed to your email list, they want to know the nitty gritty and they appreciate when you share more vulnerable aspects of your life just as much as they appreciate when you share your most recent Amazon finds you’ve been loving. They view you as a friend of sorts.

“Building an email list is crucial because it’s the best way to build a relationship with potential customers in an intimate way. You’re not just a status update that’s there and gone; you’re right in someone’s inbox, where they receive other important communication from their work, family, and friends.” – Nathalie Lussier, Digital Strategist at AccessAlly

What’s also great about having an email list, is that you’re building stronger relationships with the followers you have, while also growing your brand and blog traffic by linking back to your website. Followers can begin to see you as more than an influencer who shows up on social media. You’re a real person who adds value to their lives through whatever niche you prefer, whether it be lifestyle, beauty, travel, DIY, etc.

If you have been thinking about starting an email list and don’t even know where to begin or how to ask your followers to subscribe, read more tips and tricks here.

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