The Importance Of A Solid Pinterest Strategy


March 22, 2021

We all know the value of Pinterest for planning the perfect party, perfecting your banana bread recipe or styling your seasonal wardrobe, but how is it beneficial- crucial even – for growing your business? 


Think about this: What are you ultimately doing on Pinterest? Click, click, clicking through to websites where cocktail recipes are found, or that pair of shoes caught your eye. By creating a solid, yet simple strategy, you can be capturing those clicks to your site or digital media platforms! 


We are sharing our tips for building your Pinterest presence and growing your business:


Creation: By creating pins – even from your current social posts, this allows you to link to a site, any site. So, if you’re looking to boost your web traffic or just push people to your instagram profile, creating a pin, linking and adding a great call to action will lead to clicks and in turn follows to your site or link. From here, you have an incredible opportunity to capture your audience. From here the sky is the limit – having a great subscribe option (hello, email connection!), unique site features to keep them engaged and intrigued, shop the pages, etc…you have a new friend and now they are like family!


Creation of pins or content is the perfect way to keep your audience fully locked in, and consistently checking back for what is new on your page. 


Pinterest is essentially the ultimate click through – By enlarging an image or pin, they have to go one step further, while you may not always get followers to go to that ‘link in bio’ on other platforms. 


Engage: Just like Instagram, our Pinterest is a feed of usage by others – businesses or personal – whomever you follow (or others who are targeted to you by algorithm),  will show up in your feed and refresh and new pins come in. YOU want to be one of the names listed at the bottom of pins, so being active on the platform has many benefits, with this being one of them. 


Think of Pinterest as an extension of your brand: You wouldn’t put something you didn’t believe in or something that reflects your personality on your Instagram, Tik Tok or Facebook would you? Pinterest is no different – if your following is looking for more into your brand or company, this is a perfect place for them to dive into what is inspiring or fueling you! So share, pin and get to creating!


Stay up to date on trends: As this is just another extension of your business, keeping up to date on trends or continuing knowledge of platforms is key to being a pioneer in any space. Pinterest has incredible resources for creators and they want to set you up for success on the platform! They offer community connection and have webinars regularly talking about feature roll outs or what is trending so you can get to pinning what is popular! These are all working trends to test, along with you, what works for you and your brand. 


Along with other digital media platforms, Pinterest rewards their frequent users with new trends – such as Pinterest stories. They test out new features to those that are active on the platform, and in turn, trying out these new hit features, drives traffic as others are seeing you using them for the first time. Look at you, Pioneer!


As with anything, consistency is key – so set a goal, put in the time or look outward and bring someone on your team to create the growth and connection you want to see with your Pinterest following!

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