How To Show Up Authentically On Instagram with Arielle Estoria

Influencer Spotlight

September 30, 2020

Arielle Estoria is a positive light on digital media, but how does she stay sane, keep smiling and show up authentically every. single. day? She isn’t immune to negativity, so what is her trick?

She shares her learned wisdom with how to stay true to her brand while staying truer to herself.


Q: Tell us a little bit about your background.


I went to school for Psychology specifically for a concentration in Child psychology and double majored in theater to potentially explore the possibility of working as an art therapist for children. Slowly over my time in college and reaching graduation, I realized I was being pulled in a more creative direction and decided to pursue the creative freelance life in 2015. 


Q: What is your trick to the foundation of a good mindset?


I am sometimes to a deficit, a positive person overall. I am always trying to find the silver lining in even the hardest and most confusing of situations. However, I am also an artist and feeler and have absolutely no problem sitting with grief or pain and again, finding the silver lining even while holding both. I believe that the first trick is to know that there is a lesson in everything- that even though difficult and painful, maybe it’s to teach us something or shape us more into who we are meant to become. I believe it’s also important to look at life in seasons, though this season may feel something like winter, spring is inevitably on the way because that’s how life works. 


Q: How do you keep a balance between work and personal on social media?


I believe in transcendent authenticity in all of my work. Whether that’s social media, performing or speaking on stage or having coffee with someone. I constantly remind myself that I didn’t start as a brand….I started as a person who just so happened to become a brand or an “influencer” but my goal first and foremost is to make sure my personhood always comes first. I am very transparent on my social media and I am learning to find the balance of that and work because for me they’re very connected. A lot of it comes down to acknowledging that not all of you needs to be or deserves to be shared with everyone in your audience just because you have a following. And also letting people into moments that feel natural to share even if they’re a bit more vulnerable. I want there to be a thread of my humanity while also using the space to foster my professional life. 


Q: What is your mantra for staying authentic? 


Like i mentioned before, transcendent authenticity is really important to me. That I am the same as I portray myself online that I do in person and in real life. I believe that true authenticity is not always comfortable or desired and yet fosters deep and meaningful work and relationships. I have met followers and people I’ve crossed in audiences and interacted with them in real time, “real life” and the responses were always shocked that I was just as I was online. That startling, startled me because I don’t think it should be that way. If this person online is not me then that gets really exhausting to try and maintain and honestly I don’t have time for that. So on my page and even maybe on stage, I will cry (like snot cry…), I will show joy moments and my car breaking down and me having to push it (real story), I will show it all because first and foremost I am a human and then I have a brand and a business. 


Follow @arielleastoria for the purest heart, strong words and a smile that can light up a room! Thank you for sharing Arielle!


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