Finding Balance During The Holidays As A Creator


October 25, 2022

The holiday season is upon us, which means we are about to head into the busiest time of the year for the influencer marketing industry. Between the upcoming sales for Black Friday and Cyber Monday and the many gift guides you’ll curate, this can be a time of high stress and little boundaries. But it doesn’t have to be. We are here to remind you that it’s ok to do what’s best for you during this busy season. Here are a few tips to help you through the next couple of months:

Utilize your calendar.

Make sure you are utilizing your calendar with your manager and assistant. Take inventory of your calendar and make sure it’s filled out and accurate! If your manager has access to it, then they can see how fully booked you are or where there is room. But it also makes them aware of your schedule so you can also block off days to protect your own mental health and time. Make sure you build in time for creating content and editing, but also don’t forget to include family things, home things, and just rest days!

Don’t be afraid to say ‘no.’

We actually want you to say ‘no’ more often. We see it all too often in this industry, where an influencer says yes to everything thinking they can do it all. But remember this: Every time you say yes to a project you are saying no to other things that may be important to you. This is a practice you should always have but especially now, during the holidays, it is really important. Be willing to let go a bit and only agree to the things that will fill your cup!

Take time off.

At Parker, we take the last two weeks of December off! You can do the same. This is our time to decompress from a busy quarter, spend needed time with our families, and find joy in the holidays. If you plan well, you could have all of your content created, edited, and submitted for any approvals needed in early December. Then, maybe all you have to do is post! And don’t be afraid to take time off of social media too. Your followers will understand if you want to take the holidays off. And we’re sure they will happily greet you upon your return.

Batch create.

Batch content creation is also an incredible way to find more balance and get it done. We have creators that block off 2-3 days to film content for the entire month! It’s genius. You get ready in the morning, have your team there to support you, and go for it. This will give you hours back in your week. Plus, this will help you in getting your content in early if you are planning to take time off at the end of the year.

As we gear up for the holidays, it’s important to remember that you are a person outside of your job. Work is important, but so is your life outside of work. Now we know we always talk about leading a more balanced life, but the truth is we know how hard it can be. So while we wish you the best work-wise, we hope these tips will help lead you into a holiday season filled with plenty of family time, relaxation, and joy.

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