When it comes to branding, we’ve already explained why it’s important to have it. But now we want to go into more detail about narrowing it down and sticking to it!
We don’t know about you, but one major place we find inspiration when it comes to branding, is Pinterest. And it’s both a blessing and a curse. The great thing about Pinterest is that there are endless options for where to draw inspiration from. You’re guaranteed to find something similar to the style you like.
The downside is that there are endless options for where to draw inspiration from. This can leave you feeling overwhelmed and confused about what you want for your own branding.
So how do you narrow down your branding? Here’s how!
1. Start By Creating a Pinterest board.
Start by pinning branding inspo you like and see if any of the pins have anything in common. If you are noticing a pattern, say lots of neutrals, or a similar font style, it’s easy to say what you’re naturally drawn to.
2. Take Inventory.
- Notice what you are immediately drawn to. Your eye will gravitate towards something on its own. Take that as a sign! If it catches your eye, it’s bound to catch the eyes of your ideal audience.
- Get rid of anything that just doesn’t work. Some colors and fonts just don’t mix well with others, and that’s ok! Try nixing all of the outliers, so you can get a clearer picture of what the overall branding might look like without them.
- Think about what you want your branding to say about you. Your audience will notice this before anything else, so it’s important to make sure it says what you want it to. Do you want to be portrayed as playful and loud or maybe minimal and aesthetic? Think about it! And if it helps, write it down!
3. Stay Consistent And Clear.
- Once you do have your branding narrowed down, it’s important to stick with it. Don’t try adding in a color here or there or mixing up the fonts. It’ll just get confusing for you and your audience.
- Stay consistent by having templates pre-made and ready to go in your style. If you use Canva, save your branding kit there, so when you are creating, everything is right there for you to use. And it is so user friendly, you may pick up a thing or two that can lead to further inspiration!
When you first start your branding journey, it can seem daunting. But in the end it‘s so worth it to be able to have someone recognize your brand easily because you stayed clear and consistent!